Sunday, July 17, 2011

Touhou Project: Hakurei Reimu 05

touhou project cosplay - hakurei reimu 5 from winter comiket 2010Did you know that two or more "Reimu"s may exist in the Touhou Universe?

Apparently, there are circumstantial evidences suggesting that the Reimu from the PC-98 games may have been the ancestor of the Reimu from the Windows games. Despite Kazami Yuuka and Alice Margatroid “knowing” Reimu, they seem to compare instead of recalling a memory. Also, a different looking Reimu engaged Yakumo Yukari in battle after setting up the border in the Touhou Kinema-Kan animations, along with the fact that Reimu’s family may have also known Yukari for a long time.

It’s unlikely, but a trivia like this is always fun to read! I don’t know Touhou enough to know where this outfit is from, and are those other Touhou characters in the background? Thanks again to 4chanatic for sending this in!

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