Monday, May 16, 2011

Cosplay: The Series (Episode 4 review)

Apologies for the late review but yours truly was in the land of the rising sun the entire last week ^^; And so here comes the highly anticipated Episode 4 of Cosplay:The Series!

Let’s watch the short film before we proceed to my review.

I must say, this episode had me screaming out “ Too Short!!! ” much more than any other episodes. In this episode, the focus falls on the group’s most obviously awkward Otaku cum Armour Maker; Bagas. The story tells of Bagas’s beginning with armour making and is a tale of heart-warming encouragement.

As usual, CTS has delivered another touching insight into this seemingly childish hobby. The focus on acceptance and kindness and the reminder that everyone needs someone. Everyone needs to be encouraged and above all, everyone wants to be accepted.


Like the title implies, never underestimate the power of Kindness.

I really wished the episode could have been a little longer to allow for more awkward silent moments and maybe more in-depth explanation of Bagas’s story. But all in all, it is another wonderful episode by CTS.

I wonder if the ’candle light’ dinner like setting is paving way for further development xD Leave me a comment and share your thoughts on this episode with me! Bagas X Annisa yes? no?


Anyway, remember to subscribe to Cosplay: The Series and let’s await the next episode!


P/s: Cosplay: The series also has a Facebook page!

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